
The etgen.html module defines an ElementTree Builder for generating HTML documents.


The global ElementTree Builder object.


>>> from etgen.html import E, tostring, tostring_pretty, CLASS, fromstring
>>> import lxml.usedoctest
>>> html = E.html(
...            E.head( E.title("Hello World") ),
...            E.body(
...              E.h1("Hello World !"),
...              CLASS("main")
...            )
...        )
>>> print (tostring_pretty(html))
    <title>Hello World</title>
  <body class="main">
    <h1>Hello World !</h1>
>>> kw = dict(title='Ein süßes Beispiel')
>>> kw.update(href="foo/bar.html")
>>> btn = E.button(type='button', **CLASS('x-btn-text x-tbar-upload'))
>>> html = E.a(btn, **kw)
>>> print (tostring_pretty(html))
<a href="foo/bar.html" title="Ein süßes Beispiel">
  <button class="x-btn-text x-tbar-upload" type="button"/>

You can also do the opposite, i.e. parse HTML using lxml.etree.fromstring():

>>> html = fromstring('''<a href="foo/bar.html"
... title="Ein s&#252;&#223;es Beispiel">
... <button class="x-btn-text x-tbar-upload" type="button"/>
... </a>''')
>>> print(tostring_pretty(html))
<a href="foo/bar.html" title="Ein süßes Beispiel">
  <button class="x-btn-text x-tbar-upload" type="button"/>
>>> print(tostring(fromstring(
...     '<ul type="disc"><li>First</li><li>Second</li></ul>')))
<ul type="disc"><li>First</li><li>Second</li></ul>
>>> html = E.div(E.p("First"), E.p("Second"))
>>> print(tostring_pretty(html))
>>> html.attrib['class'] = 'htmlText'
>>> print(tostring_pretty(html))
<div class="htmlText">

Avoid self-closing tags

lxml generates self-closing tags for elements without children:

>>> print(tostring(E.div()))

Some environments refuse empty <div> elements and interpret a <div/> as <div> (don’t ask me why). You can avoid the self-closing tag by setting the text attribute to an empty string:

>>> html = E.div()
>>> html.text = ""
>>> print(tostring(html))

Note that you must set text explicitly. Simply specifying it when instantiating the element is not enough:

>>> print(tostring(E.div("")))
>>> print(tostring(E.div(" ")))

The real solution would be to use the “html” method when writing the tree to html:

>>> print(tostring(E.div(), method="html"))

TODO: This approach has been active as default value (see disabled line in code of tostring()) and I don’t remember why we disabled it. I suggest to re-enable it and test thoroughly whether this causes regressions (and if yes, why it causes them).

Converting text lines to a paragraph

The lines2p() function convert list of text lines into a paragraph (<p>) with one <br> between each line. If optional min_height is given, add empty lines if necessary.


>>> from etgen.html import lines2p
>>> print(tostring(lines2p(['first', 'second'])))
>>> print(tostring(lines2p(['first', 'second'], min_height=5)))

If min_height is specified, and lines contains more items, then we don’t truncate:

>>> print(tostring(lines2p(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], min_height=4)))

This also works:

>>> print(tostring(lines2p([], min_height=5)))


The following code still works but is deprecated because lxml does it better.

>>> from etgen.utils import Namespace
>>> E = Namespace('http://my.ns',
...    "bar baz bar-o-baz foo-bar class def".split())
>>> bob = E.bar_o_baz()
>>> baz = E.add_child(bob, 'baz', class_='first')
>>> print(E.tostring(baz))
<baz xmlns="http://my.ns" class="first" />
>>> bob = E.bar_o_baz('Hello', class_='first', foo_bar="3")
>>> print(E.tostring(bob))
<bar-o-baz xmlns="http://my.ns" class="first" foo-bar="3">Hello</bar-o-baz>

The following reproduces a pifall. Here is the initial code:

>>> E = Namespace(None, "div br".split())
>>> bob = E.div("a",, "b", E. br(), "c",, "d")
>>> print(E.tostring(bob))
<div>a<br />b<br />c<br />d</div>

The idea is to use join_elems() to insert the <br> tags:

>>> from etgen.utils import join_elems

But surprise:

>>> elems = join_elems(["a", "b", "c", "d"],
>>> print(E.tostring(E.div(*elems)))
<div>a<br />bcd<br />bcd<br />bcd</div>

What happened here is that the same <br> element instance was being inserted multiple times at different places. The correct usage is without the parentheses so that join_elems instantiates each time a new element:

>>> elems = join_elems(["a", "b", "c", "d"],
>>> print(E.tostring(E.div(*elems)))
<div>a<br />b<br />c<br />d</div>